13.02.2022 | Karina Boer

Audiodo Personal Sound: what to expect?
Our Clam Elite headphones are not just like any other headphones. Next to superior Active Noise Cancelling performance and cool features like the Ambient Sound Mode and Auto Pause, it introduces the Fresh ‘n Rebel line-up to Personal Sound by Audiodo 🙌 But what can you expect when you choose these headphones with Personal Sound? 🎶
Audiodo: innovative tech from Sweden
For the Clam Elite we joined forces with the team of Audiodo. This innovative tech company from Sweden is operating in the audio electronics industry. With the ambition to “make all people truly hear the beauty in what they’re listening to”, they’ve created their Personal Sound technology.
Why Personal Sound?
Personal Sound is a special feature that ensures a listening experience like never before. Why? Well, we all have a different perception of low, mid and high frequencies. One might hear the highs better, while others might hear more of the low tones. This means that many people miss out on their music and that’s why the feature’s main goal is to adapt sound to everyone’s unique sense of hearing. Note: it’s not an equalizer, it goes way beyond that 🚀

How does it work?
Our Clam Elite headphones come with a mobile app that you can install on your smartphone. This Fresh ‘n Rebel – Personal Sound app tests your hearing at all frequencies and tunes sound specifically to your hearing. During the test, tones at all frequencies are played at different volume levels, specifically for your left and right ear. Based on which tones are audible and not audible for you, a personal profile is created in which frequencies are boosted or reduced. With the Clam Elite you will be able to enjoy sound with more detail and clarity than you’ve ever heard before.
First impressions
Curious about what it does to you when you first experience Personal Sound with our Clam Elite? Watch the video below and be amazed 🤯