17.05.2023 | Pepijn van Polanen

Broken or lost Twins case? ‘No Case: No Waste’ to the rescue!
When using your Twins earbuds everyday like we do, your charging case is your best friend. Worst case (get it?) scenario? You break or lose the case. Although your Twins earbuds will still work perfectly, without a case it will be impossible to charge them. If that’s the case (ha-ha), then hopefully we can help each other out.
Because we’d love for you if you can start listening to your favourite music again and at Fresh ‘n Rebel we don’t want to waste any good charging cases. That’s why we introduced: ‘No Case: No Waste’.
So, what to do?
First of all, ‘No Case: No Waste’ is a last resort solution, and we can’t guarantee that we can save the day for you. Of course, we will try our best, but please keep this in mind. If you’ve lost or broken your Twins case, you can send an email to [email protected] and explain to our customer care team what happened. They will need a copy of your receipt or another proof of purchase. Our customer care team will check if we have a 'vintage’ case available for you. And if we do, we will send it to you!
But how?
Sometimes people’s Twins earbuds break down, while the case still works perfectly fine. If this happens within the warranty period, we will send a new pair of Twins to the customer. We recycle the broken earbuds and clean and reset the case so it could be used by another customer, like you.
Why not? We can’t sell the cases separately, so we keep them stored in our office. By giving them away, we don’t have to waste any good working cases. Helping you out is actually a win-win situation!